Directions: You are going to do a PowerPoint on a significant American historical event from World War II until now (except 9/11- pick something else). You will do these in partners or on your own. No more than two per group. You will need to use the Internet to find your information. You will also need to write down/copy the Internet sites that you find the information on. I want to know where you found your information.
We have done PowerPoint in the past so you should have a good idea how to insert pictures, slides, sound, etc. I will help you if you need it. I also expect more out of these than in the past and I certainly expect all information to be historically accurate. Below is a list of the minimum requirements you need. When you have all the minimum requirements, you need to try to add to your presentation in any way you can. You may add slides you feel necessary. Good Luck!
Suggested Historical Events:
1) Sept. 1, 1939- Hitler invades Poland
2) December 7, 1941- Pearl Harbor
3) August 1945- Atomic Bombs dropped
4) June 25, 1950- North Korea invades South Korea
5) 1961- Invasion of Cuba and Defeat of American troops at the Bay of Pigs
6) May 1962- Cuban Missile Crisis
7) 1962- Agent Orange Introduced
8) November 1963- President Kennedy assassinated
9) 1968 Presidential election
10) July 1969- Moon Landing
11) Iran hostage Crisis
12) Desert Storm
* These are just suggestions. Obviously make sure your topic is appropriate for school and has to do with American History.
Minimum PowerPoint Requirements:
1) At least 12 Slides
2) Pictures on each Slide
3) Slide Transitions for each slide
4) At least three examples of animation
5) Backgrounds on all slides
6) At least three sound effects (or song) in presentation
8) A slide listing all sources of information (not where you got your pictures) You need at least 3 sources
Here is a VERY helpful site for working with PowerPoint:
We have done PowerPoint in the past so you should have a good idea how to insert pictures, slides, sound, etc. I will help you if you need it. I also expect more out of these than in the past and I certainly expect all information to be historically accurate. Below is a list of the minimum requirements you need. When you have all the minimum requirements, you need to try to add to your presentation in any way you can. You may add slides you feel necessary. Good Luck!
Suggested Historical Events:
1) Sept. 1, 1939- Hitler invades Poland
2) December 7, 1941- Pearl Harbor
3) August 1945- Atomic Bombs dropped
4) June 25, 1950- North Korea invades South Korea
5) 1961- Invasion of Cuba and Defeat of American troops at the Bay of Pigs
6) May 1962- Cuban Missile Crisis
7) 1962- Agent Orange Introduced
8) November 1963- President Kennedy assassinated
9) 1968 Presidential election
10) July 1969- Moon Landing
11) Iran hostage Crisis
12) Desert Storm
* These are just suggestions. Obviously make sure your topic is appropriate for school and has to do with American History.
Minimum PowerPoint Requirements:
1) At least 12 Slides
2) Pictures on each Slide
3) Slide Transitions for each slide
4) At least three examples of animation
5) Backgrounds on all slides
6) At least three sound effects (or song) in presentation
8) A slide listing all sources of information (not where you got your pictures) You need at least 3 sources
Here is a VERY helpful site for working with PowerPoint: