Computer Technology Class
5th – 8th Grade
Contact Information:
Mr. Minger
Room: Computer Lab
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 217-253-2828 ext. 222
Class website:
Class Rules:
Please make sure you are familiar with the handbook on general rules and policies for the school. I expect
students to follow general classroom rules such as respect towards others, listening to the instructor,
etc. It is VERY important students follow the rules while in the lab. The school district has spent a great
amount of money on the equipment in this lab and I expect everything to be handled with care.
Here is a list of rules that must be followed at all times while in the lab:
You will need the following materials for computer
technology class:
DO NOT bring in very expensive headphones (Beats, etc.) to school. You can get some at Wal-Mart for a few dollars. You can order through Amazon at an even cheaper price.
* There is no text book for this class. However, students are responsible for all handouts, notes, etc.
Grading will be based upon a total point system. Each assignment, quiz, test, etc. will be given a certain number of predetermined points. Every assignment will be given in Google Classroom, but you will need to check your grade through Teacherease. Assignments must be turned in by the date given in Google Classroom. Each assignment is 20% off for being late unless arrangements are made. Students will have TWO weeks to turn these in from the date due. Otherwise, the assignment goes in as a zero. Checking in with Teacherease is important in understanding what your grade is. I would try to check in on a weekly basis to have an understanding where you stand. Parents or students- please feel free to contact me if you ever think your grade on Teacherease is different from what you thought you had. It is always best to understand why as soon as possible.
A student in violation of any rule will get a write-up for minor violations. A late assignment will be a write-up. Three
of these write-ups will result in a detention. These write-ups can be accumulated outside the
classroom as long as they are from Mr. Minger. Major violations will result in an immediate detention and
possible referral to the principal.
Students can go to the restroom with my permission. The best time to ask is during work times as opposed to instruction time. We will go over this in class. Students will be expected to act appropriately in the hallways when given permission to leave class. Students will need to have a pass at all times.
There may be some homework for Computer Tech class. This will most often occur if an assignment is not finished during class. Students will be expected to check the Google Classroom site for assignments if they need to finish outside of
class. Each student should have access to a Chromebook or laptop so this is no longer an excuse. An extra day will be given for assignments per day missed (for excused absences), but assignments will be marked down a grade level per day after the due date.
Please feel free to come to me or contact me at school whenever you feel necessary. I realize there are many things that happen at home and outside of school that can affect a student’s performance in the classroom. I try to be accommodating when I am
aware of such issues. Otherwise, I expect students to always be prepared and work efficiently during class.
Contact Information:
Mr. Minger
Room: Computer Lab
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 217-253-2828 ext. 222
Class website:
Class Rules:
Please make sure you are familiar with the handbook on general rules and policies for the school. I expect
students to follow general classroom rules such as respect towards others, listening to the instructor,
etc. It is VERY important students follow the rules while in the lab. The school district has spent a great
amount of money on the equipment in this lab and I expect everything to be handled with care.
Here is a list of rules that must be followed at all times while in the lab:
- No food or drink in the lab. That includes gum and candy.
- You are not allowed to use the Internet unless the website pertains to the assignment/project that you are currently working on.
- HANDS OFF all wires, cables, electrical outlets, etc.
- Only use computer when instructed to do so.
- Treat the computer with respect: hands off the monitor; gentle use of the keyboard
and mouse. - If you have a problem with the computer let the teacher know immediately.
- Listen carefully, take notes when needed and follow directions.
You will need the following materials for computer
technology class:
- Student Planner
- Headphones (earbuds)
- Remote learners will need a device to access Google Meet
- Chromebook (1st week)
DO NOT bring in very expensive headphones (Beats, etc.) to school. You can get some at Wal-Mart for a few dollars. You can order through Amazon at an even cheaper price.
* There is no text book for this class. However, students are responsible for all handouts, notes, etc.
Grading will be based upon a total point system. Each assignment, quiz, test, etc. will be given a certain number of predetermined points. Every assignment will be given in Google Classroom, but you will need to check your grade through Teacherease. Assignments must be turned in by the date given in Google Classroom. Each assignment is 20% off for being late unless arrangements are made. Students will have TWO weeks to turn these in from the date due. Otherwise, the assignment goes in as a zero. Checking in with Teacherease is important in understanding what your grade is. I would try to check in on a weekly basis to have an understanding where you stand. Parents or students- please feel free to contact me if you ever think your grade on Teacherease is different from what you thought you had. It is always best to understand why as soon as possible.
A student in violation of any rule will get a write-up for minor violations. A late assignment will be a write-up. Three
of these write-ups will result in a detention. These write-ups can be accumulated outside the
classroom as long as they are from Mr. Minger. Major violations will result in an immediate detention and
possible referral to the principal.
Students can go to the restroom with my permission. The best time to ask is during work times as opposed to instruction time. We will go over this in class. Students will be expected to act appropriately in the hallways when given permission to leave class. Students will need to have a pass at all times.
There may be some homework for Computer Tech class. This will most often occur if an assignment is not finished during class. Students will be expected to check the Google Classroom site for assignments if they need to finish outside of
class. Each student should have access to a Chromebook or laptop so this is no longer an excuse. An extra day will be given for assignments per day missed (for excused absences), but assignments will be marked down a grade level per day after the due date.
Please feel free to come to me or contact me at school whenever you feel necessary. I realize there are many things that happen at home and outside of school that can affect a student’s performance in the classroom. I try to be accommodating when I am
aware of such issues. Otherwise, I expect students to always be prepared and work efficiently during class.