An emoticon is a symbol or a combination of symbols used to convey emotional content in written or message form.
ICON Meaning
:-) Happy face with nose
:-( Sad face with nose
: P Sticking out tongue
: D Big, goofy Smile
I-O yawn
:-D Laughter
Acronym Meaning
ADN Any day now
BTW By the way
CYO See you online
A/S/L Age, Sex, Location
GL Good Luck
TY Thank you
SOMY Sick of me yet?
ICON Meaning
:-) Happy face with nose
:-( Sad face with nose
: P Sticking out tongue
: D Big, goofy Smile
I-O yawn
:-D Laughter
Acronym Meaning
ADN Any day now
BTW By the way
CYO See you online
A/S/L Age, Sex, Location
GL Good Luck
TY Thank you
SOMY Sick of me yet?