Typing Agent
You are going to test some new software that i would like to use next year for students. You will need to first make an account. The website you need to go to is: http://typingagent.com/students-self.php. You will then need to enter a school code. The school code is acp7k0 (the last character is a "zero"). Choose the following options:
1. Class: 6th-8th default
2. Username: last name + first letter of first name (example: John Smith would type- smithj@tusco1)
3. Choose a password
4. Type first & last names in boxes provided
Once you have made a login, go ahead and click on the orange "Start Typing Now" button. You will then go through a little tutorial and start with the training lessons. You will need to complete homerow before you can go onto anything else. I realize you have done lessons similar to this before, but I want you to use this as a review and test this program out. You may try other things on the site once you have completed the homerow lessons.
1. Class: 6th-8th default
2. Username: last name + first letter of first name (example: John Smith would type- smithj@tusco1)
3. Choose a password
4. Type first & last names in boxes provided
Once you have made a login, go ahead and click on the orange "Start Typing Now" button. You will then go through a little tutorial and start with the training lessons. You will need to complete homerow before you can go onto anything else. I realize you have done lessons similar to this before, but I want you to use this as a review and test this program out. You may try other things on the site once you have completed the homerow lessons.