We will be starting with our typing lessons using the website: typing.com. This was the site formerly known as typingweb. It looks a little different, but a lot is the same. You already have an account. Look in the upper right corner for "Student login." Here is how your username/password will work:
Your username will follow this pattern:
last name + first letter of first name + grade level (no spaces)
Example: John Smith in 7th Grade would have a username of smithj7
Some students will have a letter or two added from their first name. Example: If smithj7 was already used, his username might have to be smithjo7 or smithjoh7. Thousands & thousands of students use this site and each username has to be unique.
Your username will follow this pattern:
last name + first letter of first name + grade level (no spaces)
Example: John Smith in 7th Grade would have a username of smithj7
Some students will have a letter or two added from their first name. Example: If smithj7 was already used, his username might have to be smithjo7 or smithjoh7. Thousands & thousands of students use this site and each username has to be unique.